Epitome of the mainstream action-comedy Hollywoodia flick. It’s a succession of clicheys and cool jokes, combined in the most formulaic package, completed with the “love is the answer” happy ending, the occasional though useless sexposing, the bloodless violence & action and suspense simulacrum. In it everything is objectified and reduced to a commodified version of reality: flight hostesses are walking tits, radio hosts are hysterical Black queens, villains speak in British accents, Moms are depressive-possessive nagging bitches, half-naked Hawaiians make the welcoming hotel staff, flying food trucks are run by old Asians and the list goes on... Story is laughably weak too.
不错我没有看过前作明星专题:颜丹没有情怀但是也看得很开心穿越到游戏通关的设定很对我的口味演员们演技也在线观众完全相信“啊ta就是穿越过来的某某”(那个演地图学专家的大叔真的太棒了)幽默感和紧张感把握得不错不会让人产生离席之感 硬要挑刺的话就是boss太弱了……